Ash Grove Aggregates
Scale Operator - Deepwater, MO (Finance)
Ash Grove Aggregates, a CRH company, is a multi-location limestone producer with quarries in Kansas and Missouri. For over 40 years, our mission continues to ensure that we are the producer of choice in the crushed stone industry. Our actions are directed toward attaining and maintaining successful, safe employees and valued customers.
Pay: $20 an hour, depending on experience
Performs genera l clerica l and office s upport duties for the scale ho uses. Arranges for delivery , and invoicing of all sa l es.
Works from general supervis i on o n routine dutie s w ith sta nd ard policies and proc e dures. Refer s problems and que s tion s to s upervisor .
Knowledge/Ski ll s/ Abilitie s
Knowledge of genera l office pra ct ice s a nd pro ce dur es. Knowled ge of gra mm a r , s p e llin g a nd punctuation. Skill in operating a computer to sto r e dat a and ge nera te report s . Abi li ty to add, s ubt ract , multiply and divide. Abi li ty to u se ge n eral office equipment s uch as a calc ul ator , p e r s onal comp ut e r , copy machine, fax machine , e tc . Ve rb al a nd w ritten communication sk ill s n ee de d. Ability to pay c l ose at t e ntion to detail with m inim a l e rro r s , both over th e telephone a n d int ra-pe r so nn e l. Sk ill i n s afety aro und other ind ividua l s a n d mach in es.
E ducation
High schoo l g r ad u at i o n or equivalent preferred.
Six months to one yea r 's expe ri ence preferred performing genera l cle ri ca l duties and office functions.
About CRH Americas
CRH Americas has a long and proud heritage as one of North America's largest corporations. We are a proud reflection of the hundreds of family businesses, local and regional companies and mid to large sized enterprises that together form the CRH Americas family. CRH Americas operates with a decentralized, diversified structure, letting you work in a small company environment while having the career opportunities of a large enterprise.
CRH Americas is a great place to grow! If you're up for a rewarding challenge, we invite you to take the first step and apply today! Once you click apply now, you will be brought to our career site. Please complete your online profile which will be sent directly to the appropriate Hiring Manager. Our system allows you to view and track your status 24 hours a day. Thank you for your interest in the CRH Americas family!
Ash Grove Aggregates is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer.
EOE/Vet/Disability--If you want to know more, please click on this link .